
Chinese Coix Seed:Xingren Manifesto
During the two days of August 29thand 30th, 2017,126 experts from Chinese academic fields and 13scholars from Laos, the Philippine, Korea, Burma, Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysiaand Cambodia, 161 representatives from coix seed industry, and 96 governmentrepresentatives gatheredat China (Xingren) Coix Seed Expo --- the 1stASEAN Coix Seed International Forum.The following government departments and institutions co-hosted the Expo. Theywere the Rural Development Institute of Chinese Academy ofSocial Sciences, China National Association of Grain Sectors, Social Science Academic Press (China), GuizhouAgricultural Committee, Guizhou Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau,Guizhou Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision, Administration forIndustry and Commerce of Guizhou, Food and Drug Administration of GuizhouProvince, Grain Administration of Guizou Province, Guizhou Academy of SocialSciences, Guizhou Academy of Agricultural Sciences, People’s Government of SouthwestGuizhou Autonomous Prefecture. The co-organizers of the forum included theAgricultural Committee of Southwest Guizhou Autonomous Prefecture, XingyiEntry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau, Quality and Technical SupervisionBureau of Southwest Guizhou Autonomous Prefecture, Food and Drug Administrationof Southwest Guizhou Autonomous Prefecture, Administration for Industry andCommerce of Southwest Guizhou Autonomous Prefecture, Grain and CommerceAdministration of Southwest Guizhou Autonomous Prefecture, Guizhou Academic of Social Sciences, People’s Government ofXingren County.
Against the background of common concern of quality, brand,environment, tourism, culture, and poverty alleviation among others, the forumhad three parallel sessions regarding coix seed cultivation and processing,quality and brand, and standard system respectively to discuss the focuses inChinese coix seed industry.
The Forum has reached the followingconsensus:
First, the protection of germplasmresources guarantees the sustainable development of coix seed industry,therefore it’s our responsibility to build the germplasm base to conserve,breed, and reproduce coix seed.
Second, standardization is thefoundation of the development of coix seed industry, which needs a standard forthe whole industry chain.
Three, product quality is the core ofthe industry, which needs a long term implementation by the processing enterprises.
Four, the construction of regionalpublic brand is the inevitable choice for the healthy and fast development andbenefit-sharing of coix seed industry.
In light of the above consensus,we proposed:
First, protecting the eco-environment of coix seed productionareas, germplasm resources, technological innovation, market order, productquality and brand among others.
Second, promoting the cooperativedevelopment of the primary, secondary and tertiary coix seed industries,speeding up the completion of coix seed industry chain with multi-function andcommercial activities to coordinate city-industry integration.
Third, promoting the parallel development of culturalindustry, health industry, tourism industry, and poverty alleviation.
Four, fastening the construction of coix seed industrystandard, including national standard, provincial standard and enterprise standard,encouraging more standard by other social organizations, and supporting the constructionof standardized demonstration areas.
Five, improving processing technique of green coix seed foodand drug, strengthening the connection between quality and brand of the coixseed processing enterprises.
Six, the spirit of the forum --- green coix seed, technicalcoix seed, quality coix seed.
We appeal to the coix seed processing enterprises,representatives from coix seed production areas, governmental departments,experts and guests for more attention to coix seed industry to enhanceprotection consciousness and accelerate the sustainable development of coixseed industry.
August 30, 2017